2020 Calendars to Benefit Relay for Life of Hancock County
January 1, 2020 is quickly approaching, and you're going to be needing a new calendar! Now you can get a new calendar, and at the same time benefit the Relay for Life of Hancock County!
3 of the ladies featured in the calendar are cancer survivors, so the calendar holds extra significance
Photo Amanda Mott
The idea for the calendar came from Brandy Marchetti, the lead organizer for the Relay for Life of Hancock County, and Amanda Mott, of Dot Photography. Calendars are $20.00 and may be ordered online. Calendars may also be ordered at the Holiday Craft Fair at the Ellsworth-Elementary Middle School on Saturday, October 26th, from 9 to 2
Photo Amanda Mott
It is hoped that this Calendar will become an annual fundraiser for the Relay for Life of Hancock County.
Photo Amanda Mott