10950 Days = 30 Years
Today is my wife and I's 30th Anniversary. As we were in church yesterday, I tried to figure out how many days that was, and it is 10,950! Any way you look at it, 30 years or 10,950 days, that's a whole long time full of wedded bliss!
I like to joke that she's my better 2/3rd or even my better 7/8th and it really is true. We make a great team, and she covers all my shortcomings which are quite a few. She's a great mom, a great wife and even a better friend.
She puts up with my crazy work schedule, with all the basketball games in the winter, which means she ends up feeding and walking the 3 dogs (which is never fun when it's below freezing out! ). She endures the fact that my laptop is part of me and always seems to be on, and the fact that I'm not the neatest person in the world (sigh, you should see my office which is overdue to be shoveled out!) Plus more than that, she puts up with my oversharing here on the WDEA website and on Facebook,
30 years ago, I remember getting a lump in my throat as you walked down the aisle, thinking how beautiful you were, and how lucky I was getting to marry you! Flash forward 30 years, and I still have that feeling, and hope to spend another 30 years with you!
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