Hey it's Flu Season! Everyone is sneezing! So let's see what your sneeze really says about you!

Body language expert Patti Wood studied the way 547 people sneeze and discovered a correlation between how they do it and what kind of people they are deep down inside. Sneezers fall into four broad categories, Wood says:

  • Polite Sneezers are quick to reach for a tissue to cover their noses when they're overtaken by a sneeze. They're careful, accurate and often find mistakes others miss. They think deeply and have a good sense of detail. They're insightful and like to spend time by themselves.
  • Boomers emit loud, powerful sneezes. They're charismatic, natural leaders and unconventional thinkers. They inspire others and value relationships. They're spontaneous and get along well with new people in their lives.
  • Gentle Sneezers are noiseless and would rather stifle a sneeze than risk offending anyone. They're friendly and relaxed and go out of their way to avoid conflict. Relationships are the most important thing in their lives and they're loyal friends. They enjoy helping and nurturing others.
  • Abrupt Sneezers do it quickly and get it over with in a hurry. They're impatient, decisive and quick to get to the point. They're leaders who can be forceful and commanding when necessary.

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