Seven years ago I had nasal cancer. I had chemo and radiation after surgery. The radiation caused my mustache to fall out, and I developed sores in my mouth. I lived on magic mouthwash to calm my mouth. Because of the radiation and the surgeries, I am prone to nosebleeds that come out of nowhere. And when they come, they really come. I have basically stuck tampons in my nostril to stop it, and it's easy to panic, when the blood doesn't stop, and I'm 52. I will also tell you that the tools that the Ear Nose and Throat doctor use, are horrible. Nostrils are not meant to be stretched. Gag reflexes are not easily subdued, and when they spray lidocaine in your throat or in your nose, you can lose the ability to swallow for a second or two, and that's really scary.

Now, imagine you're a 4 year old. Here's Lauren's wish from her posting

Asking for a few extra prayers for my baby tonight. She had a fairly good day then got a horrible nosebleed and we had to call ENT again. They had to give her Ativan to calm her down and I had to leave the room to compose myself. She also had liver ultrasound today because her doctor is a little worried that she is starting to show signs of VOD, a potentially serious complication of the liver. Her bilirubin went down a little this afternoon so that's a good sign he said but we still need to watch very carefully. It feels like things are just stacking up and I feel like I'm falling apart watching her go through this. Please just keep praying for her..she can get through this it's just so hard to watch

So Team Maggie, before you go to bed tonight, it's time to say an extra prayer. Pray for a peaceful night. Pray for a sense of calmness for Maggie and Lauren. Pray that they have a good night's sleep. Pray for healing.

Please upload a photo! I know that Lauren has been heartened and strengthened by the love and support. Have a look at them, you'll feel stronger too.The page is being updated constantly as we receive submissions. You can either upload them HERE or email them to me

You can make a donation to help defray the medical and travel costs associated with Maggie’s care. Maggie has been down in Boston for 3 weeks. I know there are family going down this weekend to help Lauren and Maggie, but let’s face it, gas is expensive. If you want to make a donation, click HERE for the details.

Here's a link to a video Maggie and Lauren made when the day was going well. Click Here


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