Valentine's Day

Deceased Husband Wins Valentine’s Day With Romantic Gesture From Beyond the Grave
Deceased Husband Wins Valentine’s Day With Romantic Gesture From Beyond the Grave
Deceased Husband Wins Valentine’s Day With Romantic Gesture From Beyond the Grave
For 46 years, Sue Johnston had a pretty good idea what she'd be getting on Valentine's Day. Each February 14 her husband John would give her a bouquet of flowers with a note that read "My love for you grows." Sadly, John passed away two years ago in April. 10 months later, Johnston received Valentine's Day flowers from somebody named John. At first she thought it was a cruel joke. Read M
Woman Buys Ad Space to Dump Boyfriend on Valentine’s Day
Woman Buys Ad Space to Dump Boyfriend on Valentine’s Day
Woman Buys Ad Space to Dump Boyfriend on Valentine’s Day
Whether you're stuck trying to figure out an original way to be romantic or lamenting the fact you don't have a sweetheart, Valentine's Day definitely isn't all chocolate and good feelings. But no matter your February 14th gripe, you are still probably having a better Valentine's Day than a Manchester, England man named Dan.
25 Animals Who Want to be Your Valentine
25 Animals Who Want to be Your Valentine
25 Animals Who Want to be Your Valentine
There's only one thing that can erase all the hours of listening to people complain about how much they hate Valentine's Day. Can you guess what it is? It's looking at animals holding valentines! Let these pictures remind what this holiday is really all about -- putting your pet's head through a heart-shaped piece of posterboard. And hedgehogs. And otters. Happy Valentine's Day!
16 Nostalgic Valentines You Probably Gave Away as a Kid
16 Nostalgic Valentines You Probably Gave Away as a Kid
16 Nostalgic Valentines You Probably Gave Away as a Kid
Remember when Valentine's Day was awesome? You spent all day gluing construction paper to a shoe box, for the sole purpose of having people stuff it with cheap candy and cards from the pharmacy. Now it's just Someecards on Facebook and the orange creams are all that's left in the Whitman's sampler in the office kitchen. Here are some of those cards you maybe used to get in your shoebox, if the tea
The Best Valentine’s Day TV Episodes Ever
The Best Valentine’s Day TV Episodes Ever
The Best Valentine’s Day TV Episodes Ever
Say what you want to about Valentine's Day, it is an excuse to buy a three pound box of chocolates and a double-sized bottle of white wine and not have to share it with anybody. But what to do while you're picking through your Whitman's Sampler and pouring yourself Texas-sized glasses of pinot grigio...

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