Got the blues? Call your mom for a heart to heart! A recent study proves that hearing your mother's voice is the "best stress relief" you can get, even if you're an adult. Researchers say that's the reason that the first person we turn to in tough times is Mom, and they believe the reason may be oxytocin, a hormone that helps regulate trust and confidence. Known as the "cuddle chemical," oxytocin is released into the bloodstream during labor to trigger the production of breast milk and floods the brain during breast feeding, creating a unique bond between mother and child. University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers had a group of 12 year old girls with their hearts racing give a speech and solve math problems in front of strangers. One-third of the group had their moms present to comfort them, a third were permitted to call their mothers, and the last third watched a movie. Those who talked to Mom on the phone were just as calm as those whose mothers were their in person, proving, say researchers: "A mother's voice can have the same effect as a hug."

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