Lamoine Consolidated School SkillsUSA Thursday UPDATE
The Lamoine Consolidated School SkillsUSA contingent checked in on Thursday morning, June 27th from Atlanta.
Miranda Engstrom sent in the following update!
Thursday wraps up the competition portion of their stint in GA, with the Team Engineering Challenge Team finishing up their prototype around 12:20 p.m.
The Lamoine contingent of SkillsUSA competitors are almost through their series of competitions! Thursday wraps up the competition portion of their stint in Georgia, with the Team Engineering Challenge Team finishing up their prototype around 12:20 p.m.[/caption]
At 3:20 p.m. they’ll officially wrap up their competition with a team interview with judges and a test of their prototype, an all terrain vehicle that they’ve made out of parts they purchased from the SkillsUSA store down here in GA in the store set for them. They say their vehicle is inspired by the Ninja Turtles and it must carry a load of cargo over a track that has many terrains on it, including a four foot section of water, carpet, 1/2 inch tubing, golf balls, and sand hills, ending with a 22 degree incline.They are excited to see how their vehicle fairs during their trial!
Let’s go, Lamoine!