High School Sports Update
The following was taken from the Old Town Athletics site, but was approved by Bunky Dow, the MDI Athletic Director. Some items may be changed slightly, but this gives an idea of where things are as of now, August 6th.
- 10 Game max, will allow teams to play 3 times if needed because of schedules and possible dropped opponents - the schedule is not set at the moment
- 1 Scrimmage date to be scheduled 1 week prior to opening - week of 9/14 for the scrimmage dates to start - local scrimmages
- Open tournament for post season, all teams will make the post season if they choose - Oct. 16th is the opt out date if you are not choosing post season - post season structure is not set by the MPA at this moment
- Regional/State Championship will be on a neutral site - TBA on date and location
- Cumulative Card system is still in effect
- Extended bench area to the end line
- We will play 40 min half, with a break around the 20 min. mark (water and sanitize break only)
- Masks are required on the bench, looking for direction on pre-game warm up mask requirements, but this seems to be a go.
- 1 captain and coach for pre-game meeting, no shaking hands at the end/beginning of the match
- Large emphasis on the mouth guards being in the players mouth - should never be out of the mouth
- JV schedules will be regionally located.
- Looking at a 6 game schedule over a 7 week scheduled period.
- Modified playoffs for the post season with more information coming from the MPA and League
- Regional schedules to help reduce exposure and travel
- The players sideline has been moved to be from the 10 to 10 yard line, coaches boxes will stay the same
- Multiple games balls will need to be ready to be used, game balls coming off will need to be cleaned and sanitized
- Mouth pieces will need to be attached to the face mask and in the mouth at all times
- No huddle offense and defense is recommended
- 9/18/20 - first countable game
- Local control over the want for a control scrimmage with another school, needs to happen in the week of 9/14/20
- Same climatization process is required for progression-based practices.
- Regional meets to reduce travel and exposure of athletes and coaches
- Central, Northern, Down-East options made available
- Reduced starting numbers, move to waves of starting runners
- Reduced numbers of runners at events - limiting competing schools or number of runners at events
- Offering more host sites on race days to accommodate the reduction in numbers
- JV races to be held on a separate date then varsity races
- Look to make course adjustments to fix instances of cross overs/intersections during a race.
- Face masks required when not in competition mode
- Host sites will be able to set and establish appropriate guidelines and practices for meets.
- Regional and States are still a go at the moment, more information is to come.
- Teams are placed in a 3-4 team pod, based on region
- 6 match schedule
- Regional tournament has been changed back to Jato
- Regional and State tournament dates are TBA
- Each team is subject to course requirements for masks and protection needed to play
Fall Cheer
- No stunting allowed
- Masks need to be worn on the sideline
- Cheerleaders need to maintain 3ft apart on the sideline
- Practices should include the ratio of social distancing and practices