Sure, high schoolers can be cruel sometimes. But every now and then, young people will rally around someone who's different and give them the support they need. Students at Linden High School in Michigan, for example, have appointed a senior with special needs as the school's football team manager.

Danny Leideker, who suffers from Asperger's syndrome, was recently made the manager of the Linden Eagles football team. As such, he maintains equipment, dispenses water and towels to players and helps boost morale.

The boy's father, Wayne, was suspicious of how Danny was being treated at first, and he confronted one of his son's classmates. Turns out, his fears were unfounded. "I got a lecture from a 17-year old! He came back at me and said, ‘You don’t get it, Mr. Leideker. We love Danny. We love him for who he is,'" Wayne said.

As the football team manager, Danny will now ride on a float as part of the homecoming court during a parade on October 5. He's understandably excited to participate for the very first time and, according to his father, is most looking forward to throwing candy.

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