The Hancock County Fire Academy graduated 19 firefighters on Sunday afternoon, June 16th in ceremonies held at The Grand in downtown Ellsworth.

Photo Rachel Malcolm
Photo Rachel Malcolm

Graduating were

  • Addison Fire - William Coney. Joshua Eastman
  • Brooklin Fire - Griffin Stevens
  • Bucksport Fire - Mackenzie Teed
  • Eastbrook Fire - Jessica McDevitt. Malachi Beauchamp, John Wells
  • Ellsworth Fire - Thomas Sawyer, Joel Behr
  • Hancock Fire - Miles Eugley
  • Lamoine Fire - Walton Kinney, Tina Warner
  • Trenton Fire - Adam Fraley. Logan Willard, Jacob Wartell
  • Southwest Harbor Fire - Kelly Brown
  • Surry Fire - Edgar Foudray. Jordan Lapka. Tracey Utting

The Class of 2024 consists of 5 women and 14 men, so you can see that both men and women are welcome into the Fire Academy.

There is an incredible need for firefighters in Hancock County and throughout the State. Many of the existing firefighters are getting older and there's just not enough trained men and women to take their place.

The next sign-up for the 2025 Hancock County Fire Academy will take place in November-December of this year, with the class likely to start in January 2025. If you have an interest in volunteering with your local fire department or becoming a paid firefighter, I would encourage you to start talking now with your local fire department and learn about the process!

Congratulations again to the Class of 2024!

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LOOK: Do you see faces in these photos?

Pareidolia refers to the ability to see recognizable shapes, often faces, in random objects. Take a look at the photos below and see if you can identify any faces or shapes. Some are easy to spot, while others might be more challenging.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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