Depending on where you live, Christopher Nolan’s superhero smash ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ might still be playing in multiplexes… sometimes even on your local IMAX screen. But thanks to the ever-shrinking window between theatrical and DVD release, you now can start planning to own ‘Rises’ on December 3, and here are a few of the options that will be at your consumer-driven fingertips.

Three sets of ‘The Dark Knight Rises' DVDs released in the UK were teased over on Comic Book Movie. No specific details for the Nolan film have been made available yet, though fans know they shouldn’t expect a director’s commentary (and we’ve already ruled out the possibility of a longer Director’s Cut of the film). But the DVD releases of ‘Batman Begins’ and ‘The Dark Knight’ made up for those notable absences with tons of extra supplements diving into the making-of process, and we’d be surprised if Nolan skimped on his third and final Batman adventure.

The site also has three images of the types of formats fans will be able to choose from -- the standard DVD, a Broken Cowl edition (in an awesome collector’s box) and finally the cover art for the Blu-ray edition. So, Bat-fans, which one will you buy when ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ hits stores on December 3?

'The Dark Knight Rises' DVD
Warner Bros.
'The Dark Knight Rises' DVD
Warner Bros.

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