Ellsworth High School Open House for Rising Freshman Thursday
If you are an 8th grader, planning on attending Ellsworth High School next year, then you will want to attend the Open House planned for this Thursday night, April 14th from 6 to 8 p.m.
Doors will open at 5:45 p.m. and the sessions start promptly at 6 p.m. (Don't be tardy to your first day of High School!)
You and your parents/guardians will be able to get a tour of the school! Meet and have conversations with the Teachers. Learn about the Freshman Academy and take part in the Extra-Curricular Fair and see the "extras" that are available as an Eagle and a member of the Class of 2026!
For more information give Ellsworth High School a call at 667-4722 and ask for the Guidance Office
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EHS Teachers Kiss Baby Goats to Raise Money for Ukraine
Ellsworth High School students have been collecting coins and dollar bills to send to Ukraine relief efforts through World Central Kitchens, an organization that is providing meals for refugees in Ukraine and those fleeing to Poland and other countries.