Ellsworth High School Graduation 2020
On Saturday, May 16th Ellsworth High School released their plans for Graduation 2020.
WDEA AM 1370 and WDEA AM 1370 is planning on broadcasting the parade of graduates on June 12th at 4 p.m.
May 26th – June 1st
*Students will be scheduled a 15 minute time period to come to EHS with Cap and Gown to be filmed walking across the stage to receive their diploma. There will be a
photographer present to take individual and family pictures. This will take five full days of filming to complete. Times will start at 9am and finish about 4pm each day. (Families are invited to attend to take pictures/video. Please remember to wear a mask and keep theSocial Distance of 6 feet from non-family members.) The schedule is being sent to families
June 2nd
*Graduation speakers will be scheduled to go to EHS to present speeches that will be
June 10th 7:00pm Class Night
*Class Night will be live streamed on the EHS Facebook Page.
*Scholarships, student names, and scholarship amounts will be announced.
June 12th (Rain Date is June 13th-Same Time)
*3:30pm all Seniors and families will meet at the Ellsworth Middle/Elementary School.
(Please stay in your vehicles)
*4:00 Processional with graduates in family cars. Route will be Knowlton Park, State Street, Main Street, Oak Street back to EHS. One car per family because of the number of graduates. Students that have trouble with transportation please contact the school so they may make arrangements for you.
*Diploma Walk-Immediately following processional to Ellsworth High School. Students will be able to walk and receive their diploma while adhering to the State of Maine Graduation Guidelines.
Specific information will be sent to all Senior families the week of graduation.
*7:00pm-Virtual Graduation Ceremony will be posted on the EHS Facebook Page and
other local media outlets.
August 7th
*Depends on the guidelines in place for Covid-19. If all restrictions are lifted, full graduation ceremony at either the EHS gymnasium or an outdoor location to be
announced later.
*If restrictions stay in place:
-Activities at an EHS outdoor location, dividing the Class so no more than 50 people will
assemble at one time.
Ellsworth High School will adhere to the State of Maine Graduation Guidelines for June 12th. Please remember to:
*Wear face coverings except in your car when the windows are up.
*Keep a Social Distance of 6 feet at all times when not with family.
*A 14-Day Quarantine is required for all individuals entering or returning to Maine prior to going out in public.
*Parking spots will be 6 feet away from other cars.