Ready for an extra hour of sleep? It's yours this Saturday night as Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 AM on Sunday November 4th! Remember to set your clocks back a hour before going to bed on Saturday night! When our children were younger, we would always go out for breakfast on the Sunday, as we had an "extra" hour before we went to Church! This year, if the dogs let me, I'll enjoy another hour in bed, but I better start letting them know now, that we turn the clocks back a hour!

Daylight Saving Time was instituted in the United States during World War I, in order to save energy for war production by taking advantage of the later hours of daylight between April and October. During World War II the federal government again required the states to observe the time change. Between the wars and after World War II, states and communities chose whether or not to observe Daylight Saving Time. In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act, which standardized the length of Daylight Saving Time.

Daylight Saving Time is four weeks longer since 2007 due to the passage of the Energy Policy Act in 2005. The Act extended Daylight Saving Time by four weeks from the second Sunday of March to the first Sunday of November, with the hope that it would save 10,000 barrels of oil each day through reduced use of power by businesses during daylight hours.

This is the perfect opportunity to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors! Be sure to purchase the necessary batteries(usually 9 volt batteries) when you go to the grocery store over the weekend and change out the batteries. When a fatality occurs in a home fire, it's often found that the smoke detectors were not working, and remember carbon monoxide is a odorless, colorless gas, only detectable by detectors.

And in case you're wondering, Daylight Savings Time resumes again at 2 AM on Sunday, March 10, 2013!

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