During the half time of the MDI-Ellsworth Boys Basketball Game on Friday, January 11th, Activities Director Bunky Dow was called out to the court by Principal Matt Haney and Ingrid Kachmar, Chair of the MDI High School School Board.

(L-R) Matt Haney, Bunky Dow, Ingrid Kachmar Photo Walter Churchill
(L-R) Matt Haney, Bunky Dow, Ingrid Kachmar Photo Walter Churchill

Dean of Students Ian Braun read the following: "Acting on behalf of the school board, students and staff, we would like to recognize our Student Activities Director Bunky Dow for his thirty years of service to MDI High School.  Over the years Bunky has received a multitude of awards for distinguished service on both the state and national level. Most recently, at the National Federation of State High School Association’s national Athletic Administrators Conference Bunky was awarded the 2018 Distinguished Service Award.  This is one of the most prestigious awards the Association presents each year and it was certainly well earned.

Bunky has stood in front of crowds like this one many times and honored others from our community for their achievements.  Today it’s his turn. In recognition of all of his contributions to the students of Mount Desert Island we have established the Bunky Dow Scholarship Fund. This annual scholarship will be awarded to a deserving graduate to help pay post-secondary education expenses.  Any of you who would like to contribute to this fund you can drop off donations at the High School office or at any branch of First National Bank."

Here's the audio from the presentation


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