Jolana is a 20+ year TV and radio broadcasting veteran who absolutely love skiing, sailing, & scuba diving. The arts and photography also play a role in her life when she's not on the air or writing articles for Townsquare Media.
Jolana Miller
Did You Know in New Hampshire and Maine, Your Dog is Legally a Family Member?
Here's what this means for those states and us humans.
5 Things Burglars Do During Home Invasions in New England Houses
Yikes, here are some tips that will hopefully help.
Difference Between ‘Stop Here on Red’ vs ‘No Right Turn on Red’ Signs Around New England
What to do with those confusing traffic signs...
If You See Purple Paint on a Fence Post or Tree Anywhere in New England, Stay Away
It's called the Purple Paint Law.
Why These 4 Items Including Raw Potatoes Are the Best New England Snow and Ice Winter Hacks
We're loving these cool "who knew" winter life hacks.
Original Reason Behind Those Homes With Two Doors Around New England
Just because you see two doors doesn't mean it's a two-family home.
How New England Compares to the Rest of the Country in the Official Shark Attack Report
Dare I say to cue the 'Jaws' music?
Get Out and Get Help if You Smell Cucumbers in Your House Here in New England
Get ready to have a conversation with a wildlife experts or animal control, and fast.
Break Open Your Piggy Bank: There May a $2 Million Dime Floating Around New England
Check those couch cushions and the pocket of that old coat you haven't worn in a while.
2 U.S. Places With the Longest Names Are in Massachusetts and Maine
I dare you to try and pronounce this 45-letter place.