Representatives from First National Bank presented MDI High School Athletic Director Bunky Dow and Seniors Lexi Tozier and Mia Shaw a check for $2800 on Monday, February 3rd for the First Hoop Program.

February 3, 2025 Photo Chris Popper
February 3, 2025 Photo Chris Popper

Since 2005, First Hoop has donated over $345,000 to participating high schools' athletic programs. First National Bank is currently running the First Hoop program in 15 local high schools with each school having an opportunity to earn up to $150 per girls and boys varsity game.

Representatives of First National Bank attend every home game at participating schools, and everyone is invited to fill out an entry blank for an opportunity to make a free throw at halftime of the game. Make the foul shout and the school earns money!

This is a great program and I know fans look forward to the opportunity to shoot the free throw at halftime, and cheer on those selected! So practice those free throws, because it can add up, as in MDI High School's check of $2800 for the 18 home games!

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Gallery Credit: Arlen Jameson

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