Chris Chaberski

Boy Scouts to Begin Admitting Girls, From Cub Scout Up to Eagle Scout
The Boy Scouts of America will soon open up its programs, allowing girls to join Cub Scout units and also to become Eagle Scouts, the organization's highest rank.

September 11 Commemorated in New York and Washington: Photos
Today marks the 16th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Ceremonies were held in New York City and Washington, D.C., to commemorate the tragic events and remember those who died.

Monday’s Solar Eclipse: 3 Things You Should Know
The total solar eclipse set to take place this Monday, August 21, is a rare, almost magical treat for anyone interested by what's up there in the sky and how it works. NASA has been preparing for the celestial event, and we wanted to share a few key pieces to help you better enjoy and understand what's about to happen.

President Obama Nominates Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
President Obama introduced Merrick Garland in a press conference outside the White House, listing his professional achievements, years of public service and highly respected status in the legal community.

Peyton Manning to Announce Retirement
Peyton Manning, the two-time Super Bowl-winning quarterback, is expected to announce his retirement on Monday in Denver.

LAPD Testing Knife Found at O.J. Simpson’s House as Possible Murder Weapon
Members of the Los Angeles Police Department's Robbery-Homicide Division are testing a knife that was allegedly discovered at the house formerly owned by O.J. SImpson, offering the tantalizing possibility that it could be the long-missing weapon used in the notorious 1994 murders of Simpson's ex-wife Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman.

Harper Lee, Author of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ Has Died at 89
The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee, died in her sleep Thursday night at the age of 89.

Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders Win New Hampshire Primaries
In a major statement against the current political establishment, businessman Donald Trump and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont have won the first primaries of the 2016 election season.

Democratic Race Too Close to Call in Iowa — Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Tied (UPDATED)
The Democratic contest in Iowa was one of the closest ever.

Ted Cruz Wins Iowa Republican Caucuses, Defeating Donald Trump and Marco Rubio
Texas Senator Ted Cruz claims the first victory in the 2016 Republican presidential nomination campaign, holding off rivals Donald Trump and Marco Rubio.