A panel discussion will be held Wednesday, November 15th at 6 PM at the Moore Community Center located at 133 State Street in Ellsworth. Moderated by John Fink, the Ellsworth Planning Board Chair, panelists include Glen Moshier - City of Ellsworth Police Chief, Louie Luchini - State Representative for Ellsworth and Trenton, Tara Young - Healthy Acadia and Alysia Meinick - Lawyer and lobbyist at Berstein Shur.

For more information please contact City Planner Michele Gagnon at mgagnon@ellsworthmaine.gov or call her at 669-6608

From the Penobscot Bay Press - Retail operations allowed under the Marijuana Legalization Act but not yet permitted until the state regulations are in place: 1) Retail Marijuana Stores; 2) Retail Marijuana Social Clubs; 3) Retail Marijuana cultivation facilities; 4) Retail Marijuana testing facilities and 5) Retail Marijuana product facilities.

Municipalities may regulate the number and location of retail marijuana establishments; approve state-issued licenses; issue and charge for permits; and prohibit any or all types of retail marijuana establishments allowed under the act. A state moratorium on retail marijuana is in place through January 31, 2018.



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