MDI High School's Maggie Collins may have found her calling! After successfully organizing a Blood Drive at MDI High School with September Murray on May 15th Collins is organizing another for July 28th at the YWCA in Bar Harbor.

The YWCA is located at 36 Mount Desert Street in Bar Harbor, and the Blood Drive will take place from 9 to 2. You can sign up online for a donation time at Go to Find a Drive and enter the Donor Code MDI YWCA or enter the zip code 04609. You can also call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

The American Red Cross says that they are “facing an emergency blood shortage and have issued an urgent call for eligible individuals of all blood types to give now and help save patients' lives following a difficult Fourth of July week for blood donations. Type O in particular is critically needed right now to replenish the blood supply.”

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